It has been 3 years since I have posted on this blog, and a lot has happened in that time. So much has happened that I am not sure where to start, so I will just give you the highlights. Our son, John, is currently serving int he US Marine Corp. He is stationed in Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, NC. He is in the middle of his 3rd year, and has been deployed to Okinawa, Japan, trained for a month with the Philippine military, and trained for several months in the desert of Arizona. So far, he has not seen combat, but there is talk that he may have to spend a couple of months in Afghanistan next year to help with the pull out. He finishes with his 4 years November 2015 and plans on going to college afterwards. We are very thankful for his continued maturity as a man and his safety. We continually pray for his salvation as he does not yet know the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our daughter, Meghan, is finishing up her senior year at the University of Wyoming. The Lord provided the means for her to go to school in China last summer. She had a good time and learned a lot; however, her health began to deteriorate while she was there. She had been struggling with her health for a few years, and the stress that she was under while at school in China brought everything to a head. Once she came home and started the fall semester, she quickly got worse and became so ill that she had to drop to part-time. We first sent her to the doctor to be tested. They ran a range of blood tests and discovered that she had the epstein barr virus. They told her to go home and rest. We then sent her to a naturo path and found that she had a myriad of problems in addition to the epstein barr virus. Basically, her whole system was shutting down on her. The naturo path put her on a eating regimen and sent her home with a bunch of homeopathies, herbs, vitamins & cleanses. To make a long story short, over several months Meghan began to get better. She still has some health issues, but she is 100% than what she was. It was a time of extreme spiritual testing for Meghan and for Matt & me, but the Lord saw us through it. Through a variety of circumstances, the Lord allowed Meghan to come home this summer to recuperate and to be an encouragement from us. I feel so blessed to have been able to spend this time with her. She goes back to school tomorrow.
These past few years have also brought some sorrows. In January 2013, one of my best friends and my mentor, Patricia Spivey, went home to be with the Lord. Her death was sudden and unexpected. Patricia was a godly woman that loved the Lord & His Word. God has used her over many years to encourage and challenge me in many ways, and I miss her dearly. Then, in June 2013 Matt got a new job in Ft. Lauderdale. He had been looking for a new job for months in various locations throughout the state, but the Lord saw fit to give him a job in Ft. Lauderdale. It was our last and least favorite place to relocate to, but God had a different plan. On June 28, 2013, the day before we moved, one of my other best friends, Joyce Beck, died suddenly and went home to be with the Lord. She too was a godly woman that loved the Lord. I miss her friendship.
The move itself was one of the most stressful we have gone through; it was a crazy day. I took a month to settle into the house and then began looking for work. I prayed that God would provide me with a job that paid at least as much as I was making in Stuart and that was close to home. God answered that prayer. That particular job presented a whole new set of challenges, both spiritually and emotionally, but I will save that until later.
I have been challenged these past couple years with finding contentment in the Lord no matter what the circumstances, saying thanks in everything, not worrying and learning humility. It is a learning process.....a long one sometimes. As I get more time I will share specifics about each trial and how the Lord is working those things out in my life spiritually.
I haven't made too many cards lately. I had shelved it for a while, because I was busy with so many other things, but I am beginning to pick it up again. I miss creating, whether it is making cards, jewelry or crocheted afghans. I love working with my hands and seeing an end product come from it, so hopefully I will begin posting pictures again.
Have a blessed day in the Lord!