It has been 3 years since I have posted on this blog, and a lot has happened in that time. So much has happened that I am not sure where to start, so I will just give you the highlights. Our son, John, is currently serving int he US Marine Corp. He is stationed in Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, NC. He is in the middle of his 3rd year, and has been deployed to Okinawa, Japan, trained for a month with the Philippine military, and trained for several months in the desert of Arizona. So far, he has not seen combat, but there is talk that he may have to spend a couple of months in Afghanistan next year to help with the pull out. He finishes with his 4 years November 2015 and plans on going to college afterwards. We are very thankful for his continued maturity as a man and his safety. We continually pray for his salvation as he does not yet know the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Our daughter, Meghan, is finishing up her senior year at the University of Wyoming. The Lord provided the means for her to go to school in China last summer. She had a good time and learned a lot; however, her health began to deteriorate while she was there. She had been struggling with her health for a few years, and the stress that she was under while at school in China brought everything to a head. Once she came home and started the fall semester, she quickly got worse and became so ill that she had to drop to part-time. We first sent her to the doctor to be tested. They ran a range of blood tests and discovered that she had the epstein barr virus. They told her to go home and rest. We then sent her to a naturo path and found that she had a myriad of problems in addition to the epstein barr virus. Basically, her whole system was shutting down on her. The naturo path put her on a eating regimen and sent her home with a bunch of homeopathies, herbs, vitamins & cleanses. To make a long story short, over several months Meghan began to get better. She still has some health issues, but she is 100% than what she was. It was a time of extreme spiritual testing for Meghan and for Matt & me, but the Lord saw us through it. Through a variety of circumstances, the Lord allowed Meghan to come home this summer to recuperate and to be an encouragement from us. I feel so blessed to have been able to spend this time with her. She goes back to school tomorrow.
These past few years have also brought some sorrows. In January 2013, one of my best friends and my mentor, Patricia Spivey, went home to be with the Lord. Her death was sudden and unexpected. Patricia was a godly woman that loved the Lord & His Word. God has used her over many years to encourage and challenge me in many ways, and I miss her dearly. Then, in June 2013 Matt got a new job in Ft. Lauderdale. He had been looking for a new job for months in various locations throughout the state, but the Lord saw fit to give him a job in Ft. Lauderdale. It was our last and least favorite place to relocate to, but God had a different plan. On June 28, 2013, the day before we moved, one of my other best friends, Joyce Beck, died suddenly and went home to be with the Lord. She too was a godly woman that loved the Lord. I miss her friendship.
The move itself was one of the most stressful we have gone through; it was a crazy day. I took a month to settle into the house and then began looking for work. I prayed that God would provide me with a job that paid at least as much as I was making in Stuart and that was close to home. God answered that prayer. That particular job presented a whole new set of challenges, both spiritually and emotionally, but I will save that until later.
I have been challenged these past couple years with finding contentment in the Lord no matter what the circumstances, saying thanks in everything, not worrying and learning humility. It is a learning process.....a long one sometimes. As I get more time I will share specifics about each trial and how the Lord is working those things out in my life spiritually.
I haven't made too many cards lately. I had shelved it for a while, because I was busy with so many other things, but I am beginning to pick it up again. I miss creating, whether it is making cards, jewelry or crocheted afghans. I love working with my hands and seeing an end product come from it, so hopefully I will begin posting pictures again.
Have a blessed day in the Lord!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Saturday, August 06, 2011
A Bit of Sunshine

Whenever I look at this card, it makes me think of a bright, sunny day, with clothes hanging on the line outside. I actually made this card several months ago. You can't tell from the picture, but there is actually a saying stamped on the bottom of the card. I like the crisp, clean look of the white, with the bright colors of the DP. The DP is from a K&Company paper pack that I got at JoAnn Fabrics. Again, it is an 8x8 pack, which means the designs/prints are smaller and more appropriate for card making. The image is from the "Loads of Fun" stamp set by There She Goes Stamps. I used the Spellbinders Labels 16 die for the image, and I accented the card with pink brads. I colored the image using my Prismacolor pencils.
A Multitude of Blessings
This week has been filled with a multitude of blessings, in the form of answered prayers and provision from the Holy Spirit, at the time of need. The first blessing was in the way of special empowerment from the Holy Spirit, in a time of need. It happened at the beginning of the week, when I was talking with another Christian on the phone. We were having a difference of opinion, and this particular person was objecting to my personal convictions of right and wrong on a particular issue. Instead of agreeing to disagree with me, this person tried very hard to violate those convictions and proceeded to bully me for awhile. It got to the point where I was furious, so much so, that I almost sinned and started yelling at the person and/or rudely hanging up on them. But the miracle is that I did not lose my temper and sin with my tongue, even though I was hurt and angry. It is only the intervention of the God, through the Holy Spirit, that allowed me to keep from sinning throughout the conversation. I know that it was not through my strength, for my flesh was screaming to do the opposite....Praise God that He kept me from doing anything that I would have to repent of later.
The second blessing that stands out to me is that my son enlisted in the Marines. It is a blessing, because after several years of not having any direction in his life, he has found something that he is willing to commit to and work hard for. While I am naturally concerned for his future safety, I cannot help but believe that this experience will instill some discipline in his life, as well as have many other benefits. I also hope that God will use the trials that John will encounter to bring him to Himself, for my son is not a believer.
The third blessing is the miraculous healing of my brother-in-law, Michael Ford. A little over 4 months ago Michael was diagnosed with a very agressive form of cancer. The PET scan revealed that he had cancer throughout his abdomen, and he had tumors that were breaking out of his skin all over his body as well. It was so bad that at the initial diagnosis, the doctors immediately gave him a chemo treatment without working up a treatment plan. The doctors and we all thought that Mike was terminal. Well, after four months of chemo, Michael took another PET scan and it has been determined that he is now cancer free. The doctors chalk it up to the early treatment in the hospital, but we are all convinced that it is the hand of the Lord and that God was not ready to bring Michael home yet. Also, going into this trial Michael and Launa (my sister) were struggling financially, so we thought that at the very least, this illness would place them into bankruptcy. But through various people and such, God has provided for them.
Lastly, my son wanted to go camping around Jackson, Wyoming, which is where we are from, before he leaves for basic training. The problem is that it is wicked expensive to fly directly into Jackson Hole, and for him to fly into another airport and would be difficult for him, because rental car agencies will not rent to a person under 20 and who does not have a credit card. Well when we were looking at plane tickets for him, the Lord provided us with an incredible deal on a flight into Jackson Hole. The price is so low that John can afford to fly into that airport. Well, when we saw how low the price was we talked about how it would be nice if my husband, Matt, could go with John; however, we didn't think that his boss would let him take the time off at such short notice and with the office staff being short-handed. Well, he texted his boss and asked him anyways, and his boss said he could go. So, God has provided the means and opportunity for Matt and our son John to spend a week together in the mountains, before John goes to the marines. It is such a tremendous blessing!
Sometimes, we can pray and pray, and it seems that God is not answering our prayers (or he is not answering them the way we want Him to). Then, all of a sudden it is as though God opens up the flood gates and pours out abundant blessings on us.
The second blessing that stands out to me is that my son enlisted in the Marines. It is a blessing, because after several years of not having any direction in his life, he has found something that he is willing to commit to and work hard for. While I am naturally concerned for his future safety, I cannot help but believe that this experience will instill some discipline in his life, as well as have many other benefits. I also hope that God will use the trials that John will encounter to bring him to Himself, for my son is not a believer.
The third blessing is the miraculous healing of my brother-in-law, Michael Ford. A little over 4 months ago Michael was diagnosed with a very agressive form of cancer. The PET scan revealed that he had cancer throughout his abdomen, and he had tumors that were breaking out of his skin all over his body as well. It was so bad that at the initial diagnosis, the doctors immediately gave him a chemo treatment without working up a treatment plan. The doctors and we all thought that Mike was terminal. Well, after four months of chemo, Michael took another PET scan and it has been determined that he is now cancer free. The doctors chalk it up to the early treatment in the hospital, but we are all convinced that it is the hand of the Lord and that God was not ready to bring Michael home yet. Also, going into this trial Michael and Launa (my sister) were struggling financially, so we thought that at the very least, this illness would place them into bankruptcy. But through various people and such, God has provided for them.
Lastly, my son wanted to go camping around Jackson, Wyoming, which is where we are from, before he leaves for basic training. The problem is that it is wicked expensive to fly directly into Jackson Hole, and for him to fly into another airport and would be difficult for him, because rental car agencies will not rent to a person under 20 and who does not have a credit card. Well when we were looking at plane tickets for him, the Lord provided us with an incredible deal on a flight into Jackson Hole. The price is so low that John can afford to fly into that airport. Well, when we saw how low the price was we talked about how it would be nice if my husband, Matt, could go with John; however, we didn't think that his boss would let him take the time off at such short notice and with the office staff being short-handed. Well, he texted his boss and asked him anyways, and his boss said he could go. So, God has provided the means and opportunity for Matt and our son John to spend a week together in the mountains, before John goes to the marines. It is such a tremendous blessing!
Sometimes, we can pray and pray, and it seems that God is not answering our prayers (or he is not answering them the way we want Him to). Then, all of a sudden it is as though God opens up the flood gates and pours out abundant blessings on us.
Friday, August 05, 2011
Fun With Friends

This is another card that I made using my "new favorite" paper pad. I say it in quotations, because my favorites change quickly based upon discoveries of new paper. I like this paper pad because of the richness of colors and the earthiness of it. I also like it that most of the papers are textured. That being said the Designer Paper is from the DCWV Green Stack, which I found at JoAnn Fabrics. I scored a great deal, because it was 40% off, and then I had a 20% of the total purchase price coupon. I've gotten so spoiled by those kind of deals that I won't hardly buy anything at full price any more......unless I absolutely can't live without it (we're talking stamping products of course!). Anyways, I paired the DP with a textured, charcoal grey cardstock and accented with a brick red cardstock. I stamped the image on white PTI Cardstock, which is my absolute favorite. I like how heavy the cardstock is and how crisp the images come out. The stamped image is "Daily Grind" by There She Goes Stamps, and I colored it using my PrismaColor pencils. I still am not the greatest at shading, but I am working at it. I am certainly not a natural, and I need to find an art class to help me with this skill.
I gave the card to my neighbor Thely. She is a dear friend and sister in Christ.
The Mercy & Sovereignty of God
The Scripture that I posted for today comes from Isaiah 55:6-9. In verses 6-7, we see an exhortation to seek the Lord, while there is still time. It is an exhortation for a person to repent of his sins and turn to the Lord for salvation. The promise to the one who will do this, is that the Lord God will hear the cry of the repentant sinner and have compassion upon him and forgive him. It displays God's rich mercy and compassion, but it also displays His justice, holiness and righteousness, for implied within the text is a warning that if you don't turn to Him, you will not receive compassion or pardon. Next, in verses 8-9, we have a warning against trusting our own judment in these matters. Taken within the context, it is a warning against those who would trust their own judgment and thoughts in terms of their eternal destination; however, its application goes far beyond issues of salvation and extends to a person's daily walk with the Lord. We must remember that God does not operate based upon our earthly wisdom but upon His own wisdom and that God's wisdom reaches far beyond ours. His thinking and acting is far superior to ours and is beyond our comprehension. It is our responsibility to trust Him at His word and pray for the faith and understanding to be obedient to it.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Well, I never cease to amaze myself. I was fooling around on my Blogger dashboard and accidently became a member and a follower of my own blog, and I don't know how to remove myself. If any of you knows how to do it, please let me know. I feel like a total goob
Psalm 73:26

This is a card I made just last week using a new stamp and some new designer paper. The stamp is part of the Scripture Series 1 set by Our Daily Bread Designs. I love our Daily Bread Designs, because they have beautiful Scripture sets that are either theme-based sets with illustrations and verses, or they are sets that are exclusively Scripture. The Designer Paper I used is a new paper pack that I picked up at JoAnn Fabrics. It is called the Green Stack and it is put out by DCWV. I absolutely love it. You can get this paper pad in either the 12x12 or the 8x8. I prefer the 8x8 pad, because the print is smaller, which is more suitable for a card. The sunflower accents are actually some pewter buttons that I got on clearance at JoAnn Fabrics. I just took a pair of sturdy wire cutters and clipped the loops off of the backs and then I pasted them on the card using glue dots. Lastly, I used a Spellbinders Labels 16 die for my Scripture verse.
I sent this card to my daughter, Meghan, who has been struggling with her health lately. I sent it in hopes that it would encourage her. The crazy thing was so thick I sent it in a padded envelope, because I was afraid it would get bent up, if I put it in a regular envelope.
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